A tour bicycle standing in front of a Buddha figure made of wood painted aqua blue with a red sash siting, a brick building behind

Ten views from riding around Chicago the past few weeks

Contact CBA for a custom guided ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A tour bike leaning on a concrete framed dark red and yellow mural of a shaggy musk ox standing on a cliff
Musk Ox (Vesna Lazar, 2002) from the 2000 Hubbard Street Mural Project in West Town
A tour bike leaning on a large red brick warehouse and tower
Mana Contemporary (George Nimmons, 1926), art center and former Com Ed warehouse in Pilsen
A tour bike leaning on a mural with an African American man and woman, stylistically painted in green, facing right on a yellow background patterned with a black outline flower
Max Sansing in East Garfield Park
A tour bike standing in front of a long two story home, with the first floor below street grade and a wood stairs up to the second floor entrance
Home listed by the city as “Pre 1870s” in Bridgeport.
A tour bike leaning on a blue background mural wirh love in cursive and a yellow red centered flower
Mathew Hoffman in Sheffield Neighbors
A tour bike standing in front of a two story brick industrial building with a detailed tan and brown brick design facade
A close up detail of tan and brwon brick design work around arabesque windows
Monastery Hill Bindery in Lake View since 1902
A tour bicycle standing in front of a Buddha figure made of wood painted aqua blue with a red sash siting, a brick building behind
Urban Buddha (Tashi Norbu, 2016) at the Bridgeport Arts Center (DNAinfo for more)
A tour bicycle standing in front of a yellow limestone two story Queen Anne home with a wooden entry porch
1880s home in Lincoln Park

For custom guided bike tours,  gift certificatesThe Map and bike tour pics.

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