A CBA bike tpour rider standing at a corner looking at two murals, one an orange mural with black and white child and baby bear, the other a male face covered in bark except for eyes and nose

10 shots of street art from a warmer Chicago.

If you are inspired to go for a bike ride, contact CBA for a custom guided ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A tour bike leaning on a bright purple, pink, and blue mural with an bald African American figure.
“The Love I Vibrate” – Sandra Antongiorgi, Andy Bellomo, and Sam Kirk – in Boystown
A CBA bike tour rider taking a picture of a black and white dead ram mural with the John Hancock Building in the distance
ROA in Fulton Market
A tour bike leaning on a mural of a red sun, rainbow, and a snowy night sky
“A New Beginning” – Brendan Hudson, lead artist,with After School Matters CPS students in 5th City
A CBA bike tour rider looking at a former railroad warehouse covered in murals of different ages
Graffiti Barn (Jas Petersen & Solomon Souza) in Fulton Market
A CBA bike tour rider cycling passed a blue based mural of the Chicago skyline on either side of a girl looking forward through binoculars
Anthony Llewellyn in Lake View
A tour bicycle leaning on a multicolored mural with eyes and hidden words
Yamdini in Pilsen
CBA bike tour riders posing in front of a mural of Logan Square iconic people, buildings, and events.
Sandra Antongiorgi & Sam Kirk in Logan Square

Click for custom guided bike tours, gift certificates, pics of CBA rides in action and The Map.

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