A tour bike standing below a metal scissor tail fly catcher sculpture with the OKC skyline in the background.

Oklahoma City gets the CBA treatment

Earlier this summer I rented a car, threw a CBA loaner bike in the hatchback, and drove to Oklahoma City to visit family. One day was spent biking around childhood haunts and seeing some of the new (to me) bike infrastructure.

A tour bike leaning on a black fence in front of the outflow side of a water releasing dam.
Lake Overholser dam (Guy McClure -chief engineer, 1918)
A tour bike leaning next to the row of gate opening cranks on top of a damn.
Lake Overholser dam (Guy McClure -chief engineer, 1918)
A tour bike leaning under a rail road bridge over the bike path
Rail road bridge near the Mustang Power Plant
An underpass with a mural of a Native American woman with feather earring and white birds flying past
Under Council Road
A tour bike standing next to a canal with the OKC skyline in the background
North Canadian morphs into the Oklahoma River.
A tour bike leaning on a pastel color shipping container mural of a woman with a winged helmet and boots riding a winged bicycle.
Amanda Zoey mural in the Wheeler District
A tour bike leaning in front of a red brick Spanish revival former early 1900s school
Former Riverside Elementary (ca. 1909)/ Latino Community Development Agency
A tour bike standing below a metal scissor tail fly catcher sculpture with the OKC skyline in the background.
Skydance Bridge (Butzer Gardner Architects , 2012)
A tour bike leaning next to an art deco building with small rectangular windows and large male and female relief over the entrance.
Federal Building US Court House
A tour bike leaning on a tile mound sculpture with red, yellow, white banded and glass office buildings.
Park Harvey Apartments and Giant Raven and Apple on Hackett Stone Pillar (Peter Woytuk)
Metal bird, floral and human art deco detail.
First National Center OKC
A tour bike leaning on a third story mid century Brutalist concrete building.
Former Southwestern Bell Office Building, 1974. A “nonconforming intrusion detracting from the integrity of the district” in the Mesta Park Historic District application (pdf).
Techstar Communications Inc / Margy’s Bail Bonds
A tour bike standing in front of a gold geodesic dome and mid century modern gold twenty story tower.
Golden Dome (Bailey, Bozalis, Dickenson & Roloff, 1958)
A tour bike leaning on a white hatchback car in front of granite and white painted wood two story home.
Momma Bike Adventures and the rental

For custom guided bike tours of Chicago,  gift certificatesThe Map and bike tour pics.

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