A bike tour rider looking at a baroque two towered red brick and limestone detailed church.

Some sights from CBA’s custom neighborhood bike rides!

A CBA four person maximum ride through any of Chicago’s neighborhoods is a great way, while maintaining social distance, to see interesting sights and everyday Chicagoans doing everyday things during extraordinary times.

For more guided ride pictures see the previous post CBA Rides 11.

Contact CBA for a custom guided bike ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A bike tour rider looking away from the camera with a red brick and sandstone Queen Anne three story home with a cone topped corner turret.
Caton St Home (Faber & Pagels, 1891) in Wicker Park
A red swirl sculpture and bike tour rider with a back drop of a river running through skyscrapers.
Wolf Point “The Confluence” & Constellation (Santiago Calatrava, 2020)
A bike tour rider looking at a painting of two cardinals on an iris on either side of an alley corner.
[Cardinal & Iris] Juan De La Mora in Noble Square. Illinois state bird and flower.
A bike tour rider looking upriver toward skyscrapers and bridges.
South Branch of the Chicago River in East Pilsen
A bike tour rider looking at a baroque two towered red brick and limestone detailed church.
Holy Cross Church (Joseph Molitor, 1904-15) in Back of the Yards

For custom guided bike tours,  gift certificatesThe Map and more bike tour pics – CBA Rides 11

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