A CBA tour rider looking at the Chicago River with sailboats waiting for a steel vertical lift bridge to raise.

Five (+1) views of CBA rides in action

A CBA four person max ride through Chicago’s neighborhoods is a great way to see interesting sights that many folks don’t have a chance to see.

For more guided ride pictures see the previous post CBA Rides 15.

Contact CBA for custom guided rides and gift certificates for the cyclists in your life. Also, check out The Mapwhere you can plan your own ride, run, or walk around Chicago.

Two CBA tour riders in front of a wide Prairie School style boathouse with a low hipped roof and three middle arches.
Humboldt Park Boathouse (Hugh Garden, 1907) in Humboldt Park. In his 1996 eulogy for his childhood friend Socialist activist Yetta Barshevsky Shachtman, Nobel Prize winning author Saul Bellow recalled sitting on the boathouse steps in the 1930s while she extolled the superiority of Trotsky over Stalin.
A CBA tour rider in silouette looking at an eight story late 19th century corner Queen Anne apartment building.
The Brewster (Enock Hill Turnock, 1893) in Lincoln Park. It is the home of Chucky’s kid in the original Child’s Play movie, while Gregory Hines and Billy Crystal end up in their long-johns here in Running Scared. Chicago lore claims it was a Charlie Chaplin short time home but the pros find that highly doubtful. Some interiors and Chicago Landmark Report (pdf)
Two CBA tour riders looking at an alley mural of campfire in a forest made from colored dots.

Two CBA tour riders looking at an alley mural showing the "back door" of the building done in different shades of green dots.
Sick Fisher alley mural at Adams & Son & Daughter Gardens in Humboldt Park, two weeks apart. He’s been re-doing the store since 2014. Notice in the second, the “Exit” isn’t real and the dumpster is part of the piece.
Three CBA bike tour riders looking at the camera with a nautical themed Post-Modern building behind.
River Cottages (Harry Weese, 1988) along the North Branch. Their inspiration came from Weese’s 1950s bicycle trip along the Danube in Budapest. More info and a look inside.
A CBA tour rider looking at the Chicago River with sailboats waiting for a steel vertical lift bridge to raise.
Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge Number 458 (1915) on the South Branch of the Chicago River. A vertical lift bridge, the middle section goes straight up. This shot from October shows sailboats waiting for a scheduled bridge raising so they can continue on to winter storage. The process is heading the opposite direction this time of year.

For custom guided bike tours,  gift certificatesThe Map and more bike tour pics – CBA Rides 15

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