Two CBA bike tour riders looking at a yellow brick Rennaissance Revival facade church.

10 pics of mid-summer CBA rides in action.

For more guided ride pictures see the previous post CBA Rides 5

Contact CBA for a custom guided bike ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

Five CBA bike tour riders posing in front of a mural of four boys with aviator googles running.
Hebru Brantley‘s Flyboy running in Bucktown
A CBA bike tour rider looking at a 1905 red brick a cream terra cotta former church converted into condos.
The Revival condos, formerly St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church , in Ukrainian Village
CBA bike tour riders posing in front of and looking at a Michele Obama in a traditional Korean hanbok  mural on an Italiante building
Michelle Obama in a hanbok, Chris Chanyang Shim for Perilla restaurant in River West
Five CBA bike tour riders at the confluence of the Chicago River with skyscrapers in the background.
The Confluence – Wolf Point
A CBA bike tour rider looking at a mural of a large cat with bus seating.
Jake Merten doing Hayao Miyazaki on the B_Line murals in Fulton Market
A CBA tour rider riding passed a yellow brick and patina copper dome church.
Notre Dame de Chicago (Gregoire Vigeant, 1892) in Little Italy.
Four CBA bike tour riders standing in front of yellow, red, and purple flowers of various kinds.
Humboldt Park Formal Garden (Jens Jensen. 1908)
A CBA bike tour rider looking at a mutli-color painted block wall arrangement.
Charles CLS Schriver on the graffiti bar in Fulton Market
Two CBA bike tour riders looking at a yellow brick Rennaissance Revival facade church.
St. Stanislaus Kostka (Patrick Keeley, 1881) in Pulaski Park, former Polish Downtown area
A CBA bike tour rider riding passed a smiling faced comprised of cartoon bears and white on black graph text.
JC Rivera and _Antben_ in Logan Square

For custom guided bike tours,  gift certificatesThe Map and more bike tour pics – CBA RidesCBA Rides 2, CBA Rides 3, CBA Rides 4, and CBA Rides 5.

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