A CBA bike tour rider looking up at a colorful mural with a pale face placed at the corner of a building.

We are still fitting rides into the decent weather days!

For more guided ride pictures see the previous post CBA Rides 8

Contact CBA for a custom guided bike ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

CBA bike tour riders taking a picture of a mural of a child holding a duck
Pipsqueak was here!!! on the B_Line in Fulton Market
A CBA riders looking at a yelloe brick sidewalk construction in progress
The Frank L. Baum Memorial in progress in East Humboldt Park
CBA bike tour riders posing in a former bank vault with vitamins inside
Walgreens Vitamin Vault in the former Noel State Bank (1928) in Wicker Park
A CBA bike tour rider taking a picture of street art
Alex Face, Muebon, and an original mural from the 1970s (Artist TBD) on the B_Line in Fulton Market
CBA bike riders looking at the Chicago skyline with the Chicago River and movable bridges in the foreground.
From the 18th Street Bridge in Chinatown
A CBA bike tour rider standing nest to a garage mural of a rainbow cl,olored woman in a wide brim hat holding a vintage top view finder camera on a black and white background
Vivian Maeir – Kobra in Bucktown
A CBA bike tour rider standing in front of a marble Art Deco detail staircase.
The Untouchables shoot out staircase in Union Station. Youtube to watch the clip.
A CBA bike tour rider standing in front of street artists working on a large mural.
Lefty Out There, Madmanart, ThankYouX, and Nychos caught in the act in East Pilsen
A CBA bike tour rider posing with the Chicago skyline and Lake Michigan behind.
Chicago Lake Shore on a high water day
A CBA bike tour rider looking up at a colorful mural with a pale face placed at the corner of a building.
Eskat Valerio mural in Lincoln Park

For custom guided bike tours,  gift certificatesThe Map and more bike tour pics – CBA RidesCBA Rides 2, CBA Rides 3, CBA Rides 4, CBA Rides 5, CBA Rides 6, CBA Rides 7, and CBA Rides 8.

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