Yellow brick former synagogue now church with a large etched stone entrance and a tour bike in front.

Former Congregation Atereth Israel Anshe Ticktin, New St John Community MB Church in Homan Square

These fourteen pictures have been added to markers on the Former Synagogues Map.

Contact CBA for a custom guided ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A tour bike in front of a former synagogue now church.
Former Kehilath Jacob, Greater Garfield Park MB Church in North Lanwdale
Former synagogue now church with a touring bike in front.
Former First Roumanian Congregation, Stone Temple MB Church
in North Lanwdale
A tour bike in front of a former block synagogue now church with covered windows.
Former Mishkan Israel, Centro Comunitario Cristiano in Brighton Park
A boxy former synagogue now church with a visible Star of David and blue awnings.

Former Congregation Hagro Anshe Wilna, New Morning Star MB Church in West Garfield Park
A tour bike in front of a block re brick former synagogue now youth club.
Former Temple B’nai Abraham Zion, The Off-the Street Club in West Garfield Park
A tour bike in front of a Classical facade former synagogue now church.
Former Congregation Anshe Sholom, Independence Blvd Seventh Day Adventist Church in Homan Square
A yellow brick former synagogue now church with a large front covered window.
Former Kanesseth Israel Nusach S’fard, Greater Galilee MB Church in Lawndale
A fortress like yellow brick former synagogue now church with a tour bike in front.
Former Anshe Lubovitch, Gethsamane Star MB Church in North Lawndale
Red and white brick former synagogue now church with a tour bike in front.
Former Synagogue of the Marks Nathan Orphan Home, Sacred Heart Home in North Lawndale
A blue and white former synagogue now church with a tour bike in front.
Former Anshe Shavel V Yanova, Inner Healing Prayer Circle in Austin
Yellow brick former synagogue with a tour bike in front and newly leafing trees.
Former B’nai Zion, Lake Shore Nursery Schools in Rogers Park
A  yellow brick geometric patterned former synagogue now church with a tour bike in front.
Former Temple Mizpah, Mision Christiana Elim in Rogers Park
Rounded former synagogue facade between two trees with a tour bike in front.
Former Congregation Shomre Hadas, Paradise Temple COGIC in Roseland

Check out the Former Synagogue Map for more or contact CBA for a custom guided ride (gift certificates) that includes these sites.

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