A tour bike leaning on the Art Deco stone business facade that reads ACME vertically to the left of the door and INDUSTRIAL above it.

A small sample of sites seen from the bike in the late September and October.

Contact CBA for a custom guided ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A tour bike leaning on an Aztec style blue and green spot serpent with a yellow lion like heaf
Meeting of Styles 2019 (artists TBD) in Pilsen
A tor bike standing in front of a mid modern church with a high pitched triangle and all glass gable..
Hartzell Memorial United Methodist Church in Douglas / The Gap
A tour bike leaning next to a grey and pale green mural of an angry sprat paint can with a red heart in a red speech bubble
Meeting of Styles 2019 (artist TBD) in Pilsen
A tour bike leaning on the Art Deco stone business facade that reads ACME vertically to the left of the door and INDUSTRIAL above it.
Genieco Inc (1942), incense manufacturer, in West Town
A tour bike leaning on a mural with blakc and white smooth ball with red tail like bits on a blue river like background
Detail of a Meeting of Styles (2019) collaboration Raya.Art , edy_b_nice, & Erik Salgado in Pilsen
A tour bike leaning on a mid century modern school wall with three yellow brick vertical highlights below three vertical windows.
Price Lit & Writing Elementary (1970) in North Kenwood
A tour bike standing n front of four Queen Anne two story workers cottages.
Workers cottages (Cicero Hine, 1888-1892) in Oakland
A tour bike standing in front of a two story gray modern home with red and blue highlights surrounded by a white metal fence and green hedge.
A tour bike standing in front of a modern two story home a long first floor horizontal window and a long middle vertical window in the middle.
Next door neighbors in Bronzeville
A tour bike leaning in front of three garage doors each painted in a different color with a third of a mural of a woman driving a car on each.
Jas Petersen in West Town

For custom guided bike tours,  gift certificatesThe Map and bike tour pics.

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