A tour bike standing in front of three late 19th century three story homes , the middle white French chateaux like

Twelve sights seen during November and December bike rides

Contact CBA for a custom guided ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A tour bike leaning in front of an 1911 three story corner building with a mansard roof with two similar building extendin behind along the street.
Back of the Yards. Main setting of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. See CBA’s The Jungle Map

Shark Triptych in Bucktown

A tour bike leaning on a mural of MERLOT graph mixed with water and a shark
Two roll movable bridges facing opposite ways resembling scissors with a tour bike leaning in the foreground
Eight Track Rail Road Bridge near the start of the Sanitation and Ship Canal. See CBA’s Movable Bridges Map
A tour bike leaning on a yellow box among to giant plastic red fighting robots figures, one laying on the ground and one standing with its arms in the air.
The Bots – David Weeks Studio in the South Loop
A tour bike leaning on a yellow painted wall with a aqua and black street portrait of Salvadore Dali with wide mustache and his head cocked back.
Matr in Back of the Yards
A tour bike standing in front of a three story wood fram home with a bay window that extends from the first and second floors, painted in light blue, purple, and pink colors and sun rays in the point of the gable.
West Ravenswood before the cold
A tour bike leaning on a bright multi-colored mural of a Black man with a samurai sword over his shoulder
Max Sansing (detail) in Washington Park
A tpur bike leaning to the side of a stone entry way with the above door epigram Cosmopolitan Community Home with boarded up windows on either side
Washington Park
A tour bike leaning in front of a square structure painted with checkerboard blue and gray with a small red pyramid extension and three yellow entryway covers.
Cesar Chavez Elementary in Back of the Yards
A tour bike standing in front of three late 19th century three story homes , the middle white French chateaux like
Chateau (?) (1893) in Washington Park

For custom guided bike tours,  gift certificatesThe Map and bike tour pics.

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