A tour bike standing on a triangular platform with a triangular point of the sidewalk at the bottom and the triangular point of a steel building at the top of the picture.

10 Chicago views from biking around early this summer.

Contact CBA for half or full day custom guided rides and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A tour bike standing next to a dark brown metal screaming Sarah Palin head with a face mask covering her mouth.
We’re Havin’ a Tea Pear-ody (J Taylor Wallace, 2011) at the Bridgeport Art Center.
A tour bike standing at the curb in front of a five story early 20th Century storage warehouse with a brickwork design facade.
Storage Warehouse (1908) in the Near South Side.
A tour bike standing in front of a dark brown metal sculpture of a large hardware nut.
Industrial Nut (Rev. Lee Lubbers) on the Cal-Sag Trail.
A tour bike standing in front of a bank of trees in front of two utility buildings, on the left a modern steel and glass box five story and the right a red brick and terra cotta detailed box five story with two smokestacks.
University of Chicago South Campus Chiller Plant (Helmut Jahn, 2009) & Heating Plant (Philip Maher, 1929) in Woodlawn
A tour bike leaning on a mural with two painted figures and a colored pattern framed by the flaking white painted arches of an underpass.
Rodrigo “Solo” Mireles in Rogers Park
A tour bike leaning on a wooden fence with found bike parts art installed.
Guardians of the Cycle (Alice Smith Jones with the youths of Blackstone Cycle Works, 2018) in Woodlawn
A tour bike standing on a triangular platform with a triangular point of the sidewalk at the bottom and the triangular point of a steel building at the top of the picture.
A tour bike leaning below two second and third floor dark grey tubes emerging from the above right and entering a steel pyramid building at the left.
North and south sides of the Learning Resource Center at Wright College (Bertrand Goldberg, 1993) in Dunning
A tour bike leaning on a large three story mural of orange fruit and light blue leaves on a dark blue background.
Sick Fisher for Sol Cafe in Rogers Park
A tour bike leaning to the side of a red metal rectangular entry into a glass wall.
Taft Freshman Academy (K R Miller Contractors, 2019) built on the former site of Cook County Poor House (and graves) in Dunning.

For custom guided bike tour booking,  bike tour pics, gift certificates, and The Map

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