A tour bike standing in the grass with yellow wild flowers, lagoon, and tan brick terraced boat house in the background.

10 Chicagoland views from biking around this Covid 19 summer.

Contact CBA for half or full day custom guided rides and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

Williams Park Field House (STL Architects, 2019) in Dearborn Homes
A tour bike standing at the curb in front of a street scene of a 1970 aprmtent building in the distance but visible in the gap between a  three story grey stone former meeting hall and a three story grey stone storefront with a second/third story bay window.
Luczak’s Hall (1899), Albany Terrace Apartments (1974), Greystone storefront (1904) in Little Village
A tour bike leaning on a mural depecting the history and diverse ethnic character of the surrounding neighborhood.
Roots of Argyle (Br. Mark Elder, lead) in Uptown
A tour bike standing between the two parts of a sculpture, one a biege rough stone tower, the other a smooth granite cylinder, with a reflective glass wall and city skyscrapers including the Willis Tower in the background
In Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Republic (Isamu Noguchi, 1976) in Grant Park. See CBA’s Monuments and Memorials Map
A tour bike standing at the curb with low hipped red home roofs framed by the trees around it and in he foreground.
Frederick Tomek House (Frank Lloyd Wright, 1905) in Riverside.
See also CBA’s Frank Lloyd Wright Map
a tour bike leaning on a wall mosaic of a woman in a billowing orange traditional a Mexican dress.
Farragut Career Academy Mosaic Green Star Movement with After School Matters and students in Little Village
A tour bike standing in front of a red brick and terra cotta accented early 20th Century factory.
Central Manufacturing District (S Scott Joy, 1917) in McKinley Park
A tour bike standing in the grass with yellow wild flowers, lagoon, and tan brick terraced boat house in the background.
Columbus Park Refectory and Boat Landing (Chatten & Hammond, 1922) in Austin
A tour bike standing a the curb next to a tarp covered garden building, a painted wooden panel and an early 20th century red brick industrial 8 story block mass building with two black smokestacks.
University of Chicago Heating Plant (Philip Maher, 1929) and former community garden in Woodlawn
A tour bike leaning on a commercial mural for Martinez Grocery depicting a cows head looming over three mountain tops with three green copper domes of a church in the background.
Martinez Market & Grill and St Mary of Perpetual Help (Henry Engelbert, 1889) in Bridgeport

For custom guided bike tour booking,  bike tour pics, gift certificates, and The Map

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