A tour bike standing at the curb in front of a heavily red stone three story Queen Anne home with second floor turret that forms an open balcony on the third floor.

10 sights from the waning days of Covid-19 Summer 2020.

Contact CBA for half or full day custom guided rides and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A tour bike leaning on a mosaic of two woman, one Black with an afro and a raised fist, the other Latina in a beret, with the outlines of a rising crowd between them,
Angela Davis & Co mosaic at Green Star Movement’s Woodlawn Gateway in Woodlawn
A tour bike leaning on a mural of an off color zombie like Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka
Matr at Project Logan curated by Flash ABC in Logan Square
A tour bike at the curb in front of an Art Deco red brick and limestone detailed church
Two limestone angels on either side of an limestone arched window with Christian symbols.
St Wenceslaus Church (McCarthy, Smith and Eppig, 1942) in Avondale
A barely visible tour bike leaning on a distant chainlink fence in front of a three section, bl Mid Century Modern school with freshly mowed grass and a wispy clouded blue sky.
Ludwig Van Beethoven Elementary (Perkins & Will, 1961-2) in Bronzeville at the former Robert Taylor Homes
Bicycles riding on a water side paved path with the Chicago skyline in the background
From the Lakeshore Drive Pedestrian Bridge in Indian Village
A tour bike standing next to a sculpture of a white hand emerging from the ground to grasp the limbless trunk of a tree just below a large bug
The Helping Hand (Carrie Fischer, 2018) in Palmer Square, part of the Chicago Tree Project from Chicago Sculpture International.
A tour bike leaning on a mural of four ethnically diverse faces merging in a Cubist way to make more faces.
Childhood is Without Prejudice (William Walker, 1977) in Hyde Park. Restored: Bernard Williams & Damon Lamar Reed, 2018 with the Chicago Public Art Group
A barely visible tour bike at the base of a nine story mostly bricked window building
Backside of the Second Leiter Building (William Le Baron Jenny, 1891) now Robert Morris Center in the Loop
A tour bike standing in front of a colorful  Afro futuristic style mural of two Black teenagers. one boy one girl.
Max Sansing mural at Michele Clark High School in Austin. A former CBA work place!
A tour bike standing at the curb in front of a heavily red stone three story Queen Anne home with second floor turret that forms an open balcony on the third floor.
Home (1888) in Bronzeville. In 1891 Mr/s SS Floyd received on Thursdays (Chicago Blue Book 1891, pg 78)

For custom guided bike tour booking,  bike tour pics, gift certificates, and The Map

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