A tour bike leaning on a mural of a black woman in a white head wrap and white piped black dress with a bright yellow sun or halo behind.

Nina Simone (see Alfred Wertheimer photos) in Homan Square

Photos taken while riding around Chicago the first two weeks of January

A tour bike leaning on a black painted brick wall with a bright multi-colored primitive style faces.
In Pilsen
A tour bike next to the terra cotta entrance of R4 information management company. with "Standard" above the door.
Signs in McKinley Park
A tour bike standing in front of short two towered Baroque St. Hedwig Church.
St Hedwig Catholic Church (Adolphus Druiding, 1901) in Bucktown
A tour bike standing in front of the Brutalist red brick and concrete Chicago Community Services Center.
Chicago Community Services Center in East Garfield Park
A tour bike leaning on a back of a building Rahmaan Static Barnes mural of a black artist in a white ball cap mixing paint.
Rahmaan Static Barnes (website) in 5th City from 2007
A tour bike and leafless trees in front of Brutalist style Science & Engineering Offices at UIC.
Science & Engineering Offices (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1965) at UIC
A tour bike leaning on a James Reka B-Line Hubbard Street mural of a stylized woman of color.
James Reka (website) on the B-Line
A tour bike in the snow leaning below a rectangular window partially covered with wood planks, discs, and an animal head and tail.
In Bucktown
A tour bike leaning on a yellow brick business front with three barred windows and metal type lower case ampcor inc. sign.
In Horner Park
A tour bike in the snow standing next to a mural with primary color heart and geometric shapes.
Anthony Lewellen (website) in Albany Park
A tour bike in the snow leaning on a yellow brick wall with yellow and black brick checkerboard columns and a Pekay Mach & Engr Co. type sign
Lake St. in East Garfield Park
A tour bike in the snow leaning on a commercial dumpster in front of a Cress Wasp mural of a Chinese character and chubby black man with square glasses, red headband, and high afro.
Cress Wasp in East Garfield Park
A tour bike in the snow leaning on a railroad tie wall with a yellow geometric wood collage and a red wood Scottish terrier shape.
clshriver in Humboldt Park

Contact CBA for a guided bike tour and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

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