A tour bike in the snow leaning on a yellow brick wall with large band of blue and white small square tiles.

Vita Food Products in Near West Side

12 photos taken during a very cold back end of January

Tour bike leaning on a smiling hearts mural.
Detail of The Happy Garage (Chris Uphues, artist) in Ravenswood
Close up of mid-century modern building brick wall with a tour bicycle in front.
On Lincoln Avenue
Tour bike leaning on an old painted business sign undeneath the "L".
Backside of Illinois Engraving and Manufacturing Co. in Ravenwsood
A touring bike leaning on a fence with a street art lizard looking over.
TMoney Delarue in Lincoln Square
A tour bike leaning on a pale brown and yellow mid-century motel wall.
Guest House Motel on Lincoln
Green rock accented mid-century motel with decaying curtains and a touring bike in front.
Summit Motel sits at the top of the Rose Hill Spit on Lincoln Avenue.
Brightly painted woman and bird mural with a touring bike in the snow below.
Artist TBD in West Town
Touring bike leaning in a red brick wall with yellow brick accents.
Brick work in Fulton Market
Touring bike leaning on a glass brick and hour glass window.
Pediatric Center in West Town
Tour bike leaning on red brick brown painted wall with yellow brick accented covered up windows.
Worthman Building in West Town
Primary colored paint drip style mural with tour bike in snow in front.
Anthony Lewellen detail in West Town

Contact CBA for a guided bike tour and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

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