A tour bike leaning on a mural of a face and yellow and aqua waves.

Detail of The Lie / Lady Luuz “Rise and Shine” in East Village

12 photos taken while riding around Chicago the past two weeks.

Greenhouse with a bicycle in front during a tour ride.
Herban Produce in East Garfield Park
Bike leaning on multicolored mural.
CJ Hungerman and dsans1, in Lincoln Square
Bicycle on the front steps of a church arched entry way.
St. Matthias (Hermann Gaul, 1910s) in Lincoln Square
Multi-colored circle painted on light blue wall with a bike during a tour ride.
Under I-90/94 in Avondale (Artist TBD)
Bicycle leaning on a brick wall with a Prince symbol in the window.
Fellow Prince fan in Ravenswood
Bicycle leaning on a bull themed mural.
Tony Passero in Avondale (in an avian killing field)
Mid-century building with long thin windows during a tour ride.
Carlton Tower (1958) at North Park University in North Park
Bicycle in front of a snowy 19th Century house with a large curved 2nd story window.
Near West Side home (1889)
Bicycle underneath a colorful points of history on school exterior.
Timeline outside of St. Malachy school in Near West Side
Bike in front of 19th Century home with a keyhole window.
Near West Side home (1876) with St. Malachy’s belfry (1920s) in the back
Bicycle leaning on black and tan patterned brick wall.
Wall in East Garfield Park
Bicycle leaning beneath a multicolored mural detail.
Detail of The Lie / Lady Luuz “Rise and Shine” in East Village

Contact CBA for a guided bike tour and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

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