A tour bike leaning next to the red terra cotta entrance of yellow and red brick patterned Rosenwald Apartments.

Rosenwald Court Apartments (Ernest Grunsfield Jr. , 1930) in Bronzeville

16 views from late February bike riding.

Contact CBA for a guided bike tour and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

A bike between two community themed murals during a tour ride
Jeff Zimmerman (website) in Pilsen
A bike leaning on early Prairie School building during tour ride.
E-Z Polish Factory (Frank Lloyd Wright, 1905) in Wast Garfield Park.
Find it on the Frank Lloyd Wright Map
A bicycle in front of a dancing Mexican women mural during a tour ride.
Alejandro Medina mural detail in Pilsen
A defunct business sign with a bicycle during tour ride.
Ghost sign in East Garfield Park
Wolf and floral Terra cotta
Three-flat detail in Pilsen
Frankenstein's monster and bride mural with a leaning bicycle.
Momentum Art Tech (website) in Pilsen. Read about the Oak Park business here.
Bicycle in front of geometric characters mural during a tour ride.
Shawnimals (website) garage mural in West Town
Late 19th Century home and a bicycle during a tour ride.
Sidney A. Kent House (Burnham & Root, 1883) in Douglas – Landmark
Bicycle parallel parked in front of two building built over one hundred years apart during a tour ride.
Parallel parking next to buildings built in 1878 and 2006 in the Gap
Bike leaning on the steps of a Art Deco school during a tour ride.
Currently Perspectives Math & Science Academy in Park Boulevard
Modern church four triangle church with a bicycle in front.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church (1977, website) in Park Boulevard
Red brick pattern on yellow building facade with a bike parallel parked in front.
Rosenwald Court Apartments (Ernest Grunsfield Jr., 1930) in Bronzeville.
Read about the restoration and famous former residents at DNAInfo, 2016.
American colonial style building with clock tower and bicycle in front.
Empty 35+ years, former Live Stock National Bank (1925) at the former Union Stockyards
(DNAInfo, 2015)
Purple and pink gingerbread house and a bike during a tour ride.
Home (1891) in Lincoln Park
Bicycle leaning on a dark red brick wall.
Chicago brick (building, 1914) in Lincoln Park
Public root shaped sculpture with a bike.
Steelroots, Steve Tobin (website) in Lincoln Park. Find it on the Public Sculpture Map.

Contact CBA for a guided bike tour and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

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