Former Union Park Congregational / First Baptist Congregational (Gurdon P Randall, 1869-71)

Small town Wisconsinite Carrie Meeber comes to late 19th Century Chicago to find her future.

Fellow readers of Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie (1900) can use this map as a companion to visualize 60 book locations as they read and as a guide for where to go after, if they want to see the places for themselves. Like all CBA maps, it is both a record of bike rides past -twenty-two markers have modern pictures – and a source of inspiration – more pics will be added. Unlike CBA’s other maps many of the locations no longer stand, for which I have added historical images from various sources.

Included for each marker is the chapter in which it is first found, a quote of text referring to the location, and a link to more information for the curious or forgetful (me).

An alphabetical list of all the sites is located below the map. A click on the list will jump you to the location on the map.

This map is just one layer on the bigger Map where you can plan your own ride, run, or walk. Also, you can contact CBA for a custom guided ride that includes some of these sights and for gift certificates for the other cyclists in your life.

Sources:  Sister Carrie (Theodore Dreiser, 1900) Encyclopedia of ChicagoChicagology, Jazz Age Chicago, icons by Icons8

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