A tour bike standing at front of a two story horizontally wide low hipped roofed Prairie School style single family home

Previously unposted photos from 10 CBA maps

A tour bike standing across the street from a one story brick corner shop attached to a 19th century three story home.
Dr Richard Kimble follows the One-Armed Man to find his home. IRL – 1920s storefront on 1880s rowhouse (Solon S. Beman) in Pullman, 2/8/22. In Polk’s 1928, Chris Dritsas had a grocery here. For a long time more recently it was Athens Grocery (Flickr reminisces).
A tour bicycle leaning on the left of two high bay doors of a two story brown brick former firehouse.
Former Engine Co 127 (1925-1991) in Clearing, 11/6/20. Solid and still owned by the city but unused.

Indemnity Only (Sara Paretsky, 1982)

A tour bike to the side of a dark red brick and copper corniced Italianate police station with a 5 story modern apartment building to the right,
Former 42nd Precinct Town Hall Station in Lake View, 3/21/21. Our private eye hero VI Warshawski makes a couple visits here during her investigation “…we found a cabbie had stopped at the Town Hall Station and mentioned picking up a woman“. Today, with the neighboring building, it serves as residences for LGBTQ+ seniors.
A tour bike leaning on an early 20th century two story storefront and flats clad in green and white glazed brick with attached same era building on either side.
4007 W Ogden (~1905-09) in Lawndale, 8/29/23. According to Polk’s 1928 Directory, John & Anna Staljin sold soft drinks here. On Flickr, Cragin Spring’s research had them here until at least 1940, with different last name spelling. It had a cameo in an Season 3 episode of Chicago PD. Most recently it had been the Skylark Lounge for sometime, though now closed.
A tour bike leaning on the front of a Craftsman style red brick warehouse/factory
Former Union Petroleum Co (Argyle E Robinson, 1911) in Back of the Yards, 5/13/20. As 4345 it housed Sinclair by 1928. Kinsella Landscaping is listed here now. This is one of the current sights to see as you retrace the route of a 1895 Chicago Tribune cyclist.
A tour bike leaning on a green cloth coveed construction fence around a three story early 20th Centrury low hipped roof three story undergoing renovation
The former home of Bobby Franks getting some work done in Kenwood, 9/2/20. The 14 yr old was abducted and murdered in 1924. Dubbed the “Crime of the Century” the media focused on the privileged upbringing of perpetrators Leopold & Loeb. The house is still a private residence.
A tour bike leaning on bridge railing above the South Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River.
The South Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River in Bridgeport. The last that remains of the river to the stockyards, where our hero Jurgis works. –“Bubbly Creek” is an arm of the Chicago river, and forms the southern boundary of the yards; all drainage of the square mile of packing houses empties into it, so that it is really an open sewer a hundred or two feet wide” – Looking much much better these days.
A tour bike leaning on a granite statue base embedded with a copper bas relief of Lady Liberty stretching her arms out over a crowd of people.
Back side of the Heald Square Monument (Lorado Taft & Leonard Crunelle, 1941) in the Loop, 5/12/20. It was meant to feature the wider ethnic contributions to American Independence, a rebuke of the era’s rise of Fascism. In 2021, it was included on Chicago’s list of monuments to be re-evaluated for continued display, probably due to the soft pedaling of the enslavers whose coat tails we see.
Will Ferrell walking out of a door next to an ocular window in a stone covered wall.
A tour bike standing at front of a stoner clad Tudor Revival corner building with cone capped turret and an ocular window on the side.
IRS agent Harold Crick leaves Anna Pascal’s bakery after informing her of an audit. She is unimpressed. La Catedral Cafe in Little Village, 5/4/22. They continue to grow with two more locations in North Lawndale and Brighton Park.
A tour bike standing at front of a two story horizontally wide low hipped roofed Prairie School style single family home
Frank J Baker House (1909) in Wilmette 5/31/23. Very visible after it underwent some serious re-landscaping post 2018 (GSV) no doubt related to it being on the market. Dwell & Redfin

Contact CBA for a custom guided ride that includes some of these sights and for gift certificates for the cyclists in your life. Also, these maps are some of the many layers on The Mapwhere you can plan your own ride, run, or walk around Chicago

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