A tour bicycle standing in front of an early 1900s pale brown three flat with lighter brick designs and a black cornice.

Photos from 5 CBA theme maps

You can click the picture heading for the complete map and write-up.

Contact CBA for custom guided rides and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk

A tour bike standing at a quiet intersection with two late nineteenth century buildings, one a red brick Italiante the other tan sided Queen Anne with shingled corner turret.on each corner
Northside of Washington Blvd & Hoyne Ave in Near West Side, 4/27/20. IRL – building left (1894), right (1879). In Chapter 22, a half-glance proves pivotal.

Doctor Beale, the handsome resident physician of the neighborhood, met Mrs Hurstwood at her doorstep…

“You don’t speak to your friends when you meet them driving do you?” he said, jocosely…
“If I see them I do. Where was I?”
“On Washington Boulevard” he answered…

She shook her head.

“Yes, out near Hoyne Avenue. You were with your husband”
“I guess you were mistaken,” she answered.

Beale has confused our Carrie Meeber for Mrs Hurstwood. There will be problems.

A tour bike standing at front of a newly white painted Art Deco Streamline former movie theater.
Former Cine Theatre (Rapp & Rapp, 1937) in West Rogers Park, 9/7/23. Many recent people will know it as the longtime Viceroy of India. When it closed as a theater in 1953 it seated 1,200. Currently, it’s home to Universal Metro Asian Services
A tour bike standing in front of a giant bird feeder with high rise apartments in the left background and two story townhouses to the right.
Carl Sandburg Village in Old Town, 5/9/19. Built in the 1960s as a buffer between lakeside Gold Coast and the more working class neighborhoods east of the North Branch. It required the demolition of an older predominately Puerto Rican neighborhood. It has been condos since the late 70s.

Carl Sandburg Village (Where My Parents Met) – …flocks of young white people came to the new Sandburg Village…

A tour bicycle standing in front of an early 1900s pale brown three flat with lighter brick designs and a black cornice.
Third floor and roofline of a tan brick building with lighter brick designs including Chicago Municipal Device Ys and a black cornice.
3 Flat for the architect John G Steinbach (1906) in Logan Square, 11/02/23. It’s in the Logan Square Blvd District (pdf) and orange rated on the CHRS. The Y shapes done in paler brick below the cornice probably reference the Chicago municipal device. The timing would be right. Of the 150+ pictures of their buildings I’ve taken, this is the only time they used it like this. As of May, 2024 it is still for sale.
A tour bike at the front of a white one and half story former farmhouse with blackened snow in front.
Home on Halsted in Fernwood 2/8/22. This 1894 house was built just before the c 1899 setting (SMvE 1897 s12). That was some dirty snow! In Chapter 10, after her husband’s death Selina Peak indecently drives her own farm goods up Halsted from Roseland (High Prairie) to the Haymarket.

By Monday afternoon the parlour curtains of every High Prairie farmhouse that faced the Halsted road were agitated as though by a brisk wind…

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