A tour bike leaning on Prairie School style building with gold and brown brick

Carl Schurz High School (Dwight Perkins, 1908-10) in Irving Park – Historic Schools Map

These pictures have been added to markers on previously published maps

Contact CBA for a custom guided ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

Public Sculpture Map

Four figures interlocking arms
Four figures interlocking arms
The Brotherhood Monument (Egon Weiner, 1954) in Lake View
Stone sculpture leaning on granite ball with a bike during a tour ride.
Delicato Balencia (William Carlson, 2000) in Lincoln Park
Metal disk on pedestal with a bike during a tour ride.
Umanita (Virginio Ferrari, 1987) in Near North
Four part stone sculpute with granite ball in the middle with a bike during a tour ride.
Allele (William Carlson, 1997) UIC Medical

Church Conversions Map

Former church now school with a bike during a tour ride.

Precious Blood Catholic Church (1907), Ombudsman (alternative school) in Tri-Taylor
Former convent now condos with a bike during a snowy tour ride.
Sisters of the Resurrection Convent (1905), Condos 2013 in Bucktown

Monuments and Memorials Map

US President standing with hat in hand and a bike during a tour ride.
Abraham Lincoln (The Chicago Lincoln) (Avard T. Fairbanks, 1956) in Lincoln Square
Illinois governor statue in the park with a bike during a tour ride.
John Peter Altgeld (Gutzon Borglum, 1915) in Lincoln Park

7 Most Endangered Structures of 2017 Map

Deteriorating Prairie School building
Cornell Store & Flats (Walter Burley Griffin, 1908) in Grand Crossing

Contact CBA for a custom guided ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

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