Bird of Peace / Cosmo Campoli in Hyde Park


The 100 more or less permanent public art sculptures make Chicago an art gallery you can bike through.

The map has mostly non figurative “fine art” sculptures. Chicago has plenty of fountains and memorial statues. These will be getting their own maps later.

I have leaned evenly on the blog Chicago Public Art.  If you want to find specific artists and their works, go to that perfectly organized site.

Two organizations also run installions of numerous temporary pieces.   Chicago Sculpture International works with the Parks District to rotate sculptures through the city’s green spaces. Chicago Sculpture Exhibit annually displays purchaseable work throughout the city. The year’s show ends in May so go to the website to find their map and get to riding. Both provide info signs at the sculpture site.

The markers include:

  • Artist
  • Year
  • Link to more info, mostly Chicago Public Art

Find this map with other points of interest on The Map  or contact me for a guided bike tour that includes these locations.

Sources: Chicago Public ArtNicolas Mollet’s Maps Icon Collection

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