5 pictures from CBA’s map for Sister Carrie, Theodore Dreiser’s story of the new life in 1890s Chicago for a young Wisconsinite.
You can take a virtual tour while you read, use the map to see the sights on your own or contact CBA for a custom guided bike ride and gift certificates.

[Sister Carrie’s friend] Mrs. Hale loved to drive in the afternoon in the sun…and to satisfy her soul with a sight of those [elegant north shore drive] mansions…which she could not afford.

[Hurstwood’s daughter Jessica] was in the high school, and had notions of life that were decidedly those of a patrician.

“…Where was I?” “On Washington Boulevard” [Doctor Beale] answered, expecting her eye to light with immediate remembrance. [Mrs. Hurstwood] shook her head. “Yes, out near Hoyne Avenue. You were with your husband. “I guess you are mistaken” she answered. – Beale has mistaken Carrie for Mrs H.

At her window, [Carrie] thought [her living situation] over, rocking to and fro, and gazing out …toward the lamp lit houses on Warren…avenue.

Over the bare limbs of the trees, which now swayed in the wintry wind, rose the steeple of the Union Park Congregational Church, and far off the towers of several others. – Carrie looks out her window
Click for custom guided bike tours, gift certificates, pics of CBA rides in action and The Map.