A tour bike leaning to the side of a double decker movable bridge as we look down the "tunnel" of the first deck

Five photos of locations used in 1993 film The Fugitive.

At this time of year in fictional 1993 Chicago, Dr. Richard Kimble searches for the One Armed Man who killed his wife.

Find these real world locations and fifteen others on The Fugitive Map

If you are inspired to go for a bike ride, contact CBA for a custom guided ride and gift certificates, or use The Map to plan your own ride, run, or walk.

Also, check out Itsfilmedthere.com for many more Chicago movie and tv locations.

A The Fugitive movie still of a city street at dusk with a Hotel Men Only sign
A tour bike leaning on a storefront with a Hotel Men Only sign above
Richard Kimble stays here after his first hiding place is blown
A movie still from The Fugitive of Harrison Ford as Richard Kimble walking towards a building with dinstince bas reliefs at the entrance
A tour bike leaning under a leafless tree with the Classical Revival Cook County Building in the background
Richard checks out a jailed one armed man.
A juggler with pins in front of a parade float with a Picasso bronze stature in the background
A tour bike leaning on a box at an intersection with people walking across the crosswalk and a Picasso statue in the background
Richard hides in the St. Patrick’s Day parade to escape the US Marshals
A Fugitve movie still of Harrison Ford as Richard Kimble walking passed the Old Cook Coubty Hospital marquee
A white X with red H in the foreground with a massive Beau Arts style building filling the frame in the background
Richard’s hospital (Cook County Hospital prior to its current ongoing major renovation)
A Fugitive movie still of Harrison Ford as Richard Kimble crossing the street at a double-deck bridge.
A our bike leaning to the side of a double-deck movable bridge as we look down the "tunnel" of the first deck
Richard makes his tell-tale phone call at the right. Sounds of the “El” give him away.

Click for custom guided bike tours, gift certificates, pics of CBA rides in action and The Map.

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