A three street intersection with white terra cotta corner Walgreens and an Art Deco 12 story corner tower.

My go-to line

When someone asks if I did anything yesterday/this weekend/this summer I often go with – “I went on a bike ride…my life hasn’t really changed that much since I was 10.”

Replace my old 3 square mile range in Oklahoma City for the Chicagoland area and most of the licorice for some beer and that is a true statement.

“Where do you want to ride to today?” and  “What am I looking at?”

Chicago Bike Adventures (and The Map specifically) is the response to these questions  It is my hope any bike loving Chicagoan, suburbanite, or traveler coming to this site can find their own answers, either through a guided bike tour  or The Map.

The Map is created with the idea that the riding and the gawking are equally important.

Its focus will be on exteriors or quick in and outs. New thematic layers will be added and can be found on the blog as single maps. If you have any suggestions or see any mistakes please let me know.  I’d rather be correct than proud. Also, the map can be a good resource for the non cyclists in your life. If you find it helpful, clue in any runners, walkers, skaters, or internet travelers you know.

Out and about without a plan?

You can use The Map on the Road.  It’ll let you know what is around your present location.

Happy riding!



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